St Mark's church
Penmann Crescent, Liverpool, L26 0UG
Holy Family church
Mackets Lane, Liverpool, L25 8TG
Parish Office
Penmann Crescent, Liverpool, L26 0UG
Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings between 9am-1pm
Tel - 0151 486 3992
Email -
Baptismal Information
If you would like the Sacrament of Baptism for your child you must first register your interest at one of our Baptism Registration meetings. These meetings take place at 6pm in St Mark’s annexe on Penmann Crescent. For all baptism enquiries please ring Chris Myles on 07443 018 816. Dates fill very quickly so it is recommended to register well in advance of the date you are hoping to secure.
Upcoming registration meetings: 3 February, 3 March, 7 April, 12 May, 2 June, 7 July, no meeting in August. Please note, we do not offer dates for baptism during August.
Please note, children due to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion in 2025/26 require to have first received the Sacrament of Baptism.
Starting School September 2025/26 or Starting First Holy Communion Preparation September 2025/26?
If the above applies to you, please be aware that all children are required to produce a Baptism Certificate in order to be eligible. We have limited availability so if you wish your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism please attend a Baptism Registration meeting as soon as possible.
First Holy Communion Preparation Programme – With You Always 2025/26
We have started our new programme and welcome all the children and their families who will be attending our Masses over the next year in order to prepare for their First Confession and First Holy Communion.
The programme has recently been updated and we have placed Mass at the heart of the preparation. Children can register at the end of any Mass of the last week of the month and work their way through a series of leaflets and books to help them prepare. There is no time limit to completing the programme so families can work through it at their own pace. Registration forms should be handed into a catechist at any Mass of the last week of the month. If anyone would like more information or a registration form please speak to one of the catechists at the end of any Mass.
Please note, children due to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion in 2025/26 require to have first received the Sacrament of Baptism.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Fr Matthew is usually available in the 20 minutes before each Mass to hear confessions. He will be sat towards the front of the church, please approach him directly and make your request known.
Parishioner Database - help us to stay in touch
One of the lessons learned from lockdown was the need for us to be able to keep an accurate up to date database of parishioners. If you are a new parishioner or your contact details change or you are not sure that we have your details please be in touch:
All the information we hold for you is confidential and kept in accordance with Liverpool Archdiocesan guidelines.
Our Housebound Parishioners
If you are no longer able to get to Mass, don’t just disappear! Get in touch with Fr Matthew or the Parish Office and we can see how best we might be able to support you. But we can’t do that if you don’t let us know! You are still a vital and essential part of the parish community, even if you can’t get to Mass.
Sacrament of the Sick
In times of illness or suffering we are offered anointing with holy oil to strengthen us. The sacrament can also help us to experience healing of mind, body and spirit and we receive the forgiveness of our sins. Anyone feeling the need of the sacrament is very welcome to approach Fr Matthew before or after Mass or via Parish Office.
Refreshments after Mass on Sunday
St Mark’s annexe - every Sunday after 9.15am Mass.
Holy Family church – every Sunday after 11am Mass.
All welcome!
Leaving telephone messages
The office staff always respond to messages left on the parish office answerphone as soon as possible. We have received a number of messages lately where the caller has not left their number therefore staff are unable to return their call. This is unfortunate and we do not wish to appear to have not had the courtesy to respond. We've probably all done it. In order for us to help you, please leave your name and number clearly. Thank you so much.
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Catholic Church of England and Wales, the Church of England or the Church in Wales.
Opening Times:
Monday: 10am – 6pm
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 12pm – 8pm
Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 6pm
Sunday: Closed
How can we help? - Remote support is provided nationally through our helpline and Live Chat for as long as our clients feel they need it and it is deemed to be helpful. We can help with advocating with authorities and other agencies, giving you emotional support, providing information (including information on church and police procedures), understanding your needs and working together on individual support plans. Our Services are for people aged 18 or over, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the perpetrator is living or deceased. You do not have to have reported the incident to the Church authorities or the Police in order to access support. Our service is for people who have experienced any kind of abuse – this includes (but is not limited to) sexual violence, inappropriate sexual behaviour, physical abuse, financial abuse or exploitation, psychological abuse (including spiritual abuse), domestic abuse, coercive and controlling behaviour.
Health & Safety - it's really important you tell us
If you notice something you feel is not quite right, please let us know, if we don't know we can't fix it! Here's what to do:
New 'Come and See' meetings to learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA is the process given to us by the Church to initiate adults and older children into Christianity as it is lived within the Roman Catholic tradition. It is the way in which we welcome and share with others our faith and our way of life as Catholics. It is a process, a journey of faith, by which we engage with those who are seeking the face of Christ today. The Rite tells us that it ‘is suited to a spiritual journey of adults that varies according to the many forms of God’s grace’. It involves the whole parish and is the responsibility of all the baptised.
Each year there are people who enquire about becoming a Catholic, often with no previous religious affiliation. They are accompanied by RCIA teams who guide them through the different stages of the RCIA process and prepare them to celebrate the liturgies which mark these stages.
We welcome inquiries from everyone. You may be someone who has never belonged to any faith tradition or you may have been baptised in another Christian faith. You may simply feel a sense of curiosity to find out more or you may have already decided to seek membership of the Catholic Church. Whatever your starting point you are very welcome, to find out more contact Reverend Peter Renwick on 07707 917 554 or the parish office.
Need a lift to and from Mass?
Please contact the office and we can put you in touch with someone who might be able to help. Please note, you must be able to get in and out of a vehicle without support. Due to safeguarding and health and safety regulations, lifts to Mass are just that and volunteers are unable to offer support with mobility. Thank you so much for your understanding.
Over 50's afternoon - This popular get-together takes place in St Mark's Parish Club on Wednesday's from 1.30pm with friends meeting up for a chat over a cuppa and a game of bingo or a quiz, day trips are also arranged. Why not pop along and give it a try. New faces always welcome.
We invite you all to take just a moment to reflect on the tremendous value there is in living lives of service for the Lord in ministry. As we continue to expand the opportunities for us to come together, many of our ministries are gearing up to be stronger than ever before as they seek to be a blessing to both our church and community.
Time is one of those things we all have on our hands. We might feel like we have little time or a lot of time, but the reality of it is that we all have the same amount of time to deal with. It's up to us however, how we spend that time!
We are always in a position within the church of having a need for more people to minister to others whether it be a present ministry we have, or a ministry that is yet to begin. Our desire is that each and every parishioner finds a place to serve and be a blessing to others. As we continue to build a team to lead our congregation into worship, we prayerfully ask you to consider stepping forward.
We are so thankful to those who currently give so freely of their time. If you volunteered before the pandemic, please consider returning. We urgently need to build a team of faithful volunteers to serve in all ministries. The following areas are particularly short-handed: Children’s Liturgy, all weekend Masses but 11am at Holy Family in particular and our With You Always programme team.
Please contact the office or approach a current volunteer for a no obligation chat.
Name: St John Vianney (240)
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-29-12
Account number: 8221 5810 and please send an email to let us know that this is what you are doing.
Minutes of Parish Council Meetings now available
Click on the 'More about the Parish' tab at the top of this page and then Parish Council.
What buses will get you to what Masses?
Tuesday, 9am Mass, Holy Family
Number 75 - Halewood Shopping Centre 0834 arriving Mackets Lane 0838
Number 75 - Mackets Lane 0925, 0937
Thursday, 6.30pm Mass, St Mark's
Number 76 - Okell Drive 1810 arriving Halewood Shopping Centre 1818
Number 76 - Wood Road 1855 then hourly thereafter
Friday, 9am Mass, St Mark's
Number 76 - Okell Drive 0835 arriving Halewood Shopping Centre 0842
Saturday, 5.15pm Mass, Holy Family
Number 3/3a - Halewood Shopping Centre 1702 arriving Arncliffe Road 1712
Number 3/3a - Arncliffe Road 1817, 1847
Number 75 - Halewood Shopping Centre 1649 arriving Mackets Lane 1656
Number 75 - Mackets Lane 1757, 1812, 1830
Sunday, 9.15am Mass, St Mark's
Number 76 - Okell Drive 0847 (buses hourly only) arriving Halewood Shopping Centre 0854
Number 76 - Halewood Shopping Centre 0959 then hourly
Sunday, 11.00am Mass, Holy Family
Number 75 - Halewood Shopping Centre 1031 arriving Mackets Lane 1038
Number 75 - Mackets Lane 1159, 1219
St Mark's Parish Centre opening times
Please support our club which is now open as follows:
Monday to Friday, 4pm to 11pm
Wednesday's - from 1pm for the Pensioner's Club
Saturday & Sunday, 12noon to 11pm
Pauline Books & Media
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Tel: 0151 709 1328
BOOKS & MEDIA, 84 Church Street, Liverpool, L1 3AY
St Mary's Foodbank, Leathers Lane
This Foodbank is open between the hours of 10am - 12 noon on Saturday's and can be contacted by email or telephone 0151 487 9965.