Parish of St John Vianney, Halewood and Hunts Cross, Liverpool



Stay in touch with what's happening in the parish community at the moment.
If you have some news to share please contact the Parish Office.

Please Pray for . . .

Lisa Crompton RIP
Monika Simpson RIP

Enid Allerston
Catherine Atkin
Nora Bartley
Andrew Bennett
Teresa Birkett 
Ronnie Brereton
Tina Brereton
Ada Byrne
Terence Donnelly
Sara Eccleston
Kitty Ellison
Margaret Facenfield
Mila Facenfield
James Fairhurst
Vera Farrell
Flo Finnegan
Marian Hawkins
Kitty Heisley
Josie Henesy
Valerie Higgins
Ron Humphreys
Veronica Humphreys
Mary Ireland
Maureen Jackson
Lorraine Keogh
Vera Leonard
Mary Lonsdale
May McGrath
Kathy Murphy-Malpas
Eileen Prescot
Maureen Skillicorn
Karen Smith
Laura Wakefield
Kate Whitehead

Our sick and housebound
and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time including:

Agnes Birkett
Anniversary Remembrance RIP

Elizabeth Bridson
In Remembrance RIP

Charles Birkett
Birthday Remembrance 

This week's Prayer Intentions
If you would like to request prayers for someone please let the Parish Office know by leaving a message on the answerphone or sending an email.
Prayer Resources Pope's Prayer Intention for this month

At Mass we pray especially for ...

Saturday, 29 June

5.15pm, Sally Moore

Sunday, 30 June

9.15am, People of the Parish

11am, Joanne Keal

Tuesday, 2 July

9am, Special Intention, John Ireland

Friday, 5 July

9am, Eileen Ireland, Pauline Beirnes,


Please send in any requests for Mass Intentions to the Parish Office by either using the envelopes at the back of church or by contacting the office directly.


John Allerston

Requiem Mass, St Mark's

11.15am, Thursday, 4 July

Patricia Glover

Funeral Service, Holy Family

11am, Monday, 8 July

Patricia Carney

Requiem Mass, St Mark's

10.15am, Tuesday, 16 July

In Memoriam

Baptismal Information

If you would like the Sacrament of Baptism for your child you must first register your interest at one of our Baptism Registration meetings.  These meetings take place at 6pm in St Mark’s annexe on Pennman Crescent.  For all baptism enquiries please ring Chris Myles on 07443 018 816.  Dates fill very quickly so it is recommended you register well in advance of the date you are hoping to secure.

Upcoming registration meetings in 2024:  1 July, 2 September, 7 October, 4 November, 2 December

Please note, children due to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion in 2024/25 require to have first received the Sacrament of Baptism.

Starting School September 2024 or Starting First Holy Communion Preparation September 2024?

If the above applies to you, please be aware that all children are required to produce a Baptism Certificate in order to be eligible.  We have limited availability so if you wish your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism please attend a Baptism Registration meeting as soon as possible. The next opportunity to register is Monday, 1 July, 6pm, St Mark’s annexe.

Looking for something to help you to pray? Why not try out Pray As You Go - daily meditations and many others reflections and inspirations for prayer.

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